Monday, August 20, 2012

I just came to say Hello

Ok for those wondering why isn't my name in the TOP SHOP list YET ,it is because

1) I attended NONE of the qualifiers .Therefore , there is no Tourney Report for me to write.

2) I don't have the time.

3) Top Shop is not my priority

4) Asia team tourney is the real deal .

5) Lastly , I was smart enough not to get trolled by ........( You will understand this sentence when the announcement is made)


  1. Trolled by ... new banlist fake from Shriek? Seems unlikely, what do you mean?

  2. U dint join because u going to scrub badly?

  3. Erm too bad .I have not scrub below top 4 in any pre-qualifier since ACQ 2011 =) and I dont lose to kids like you.
